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How to Go Vegan–Part Two: Resources & Education

Hi everyone! This week I’m back with Part Two of my How to Go Vegan Series! Last post, I gave you my ultimate list of vegan substitutes (think beyond Beyond Meat…) and this week I’m going to dive into some topics that are a little more touchy.

When people first find out I’m vegan––after they ask me what exactly it is that I eat––the next question that follows is why?

Honestly, this question is my favorite one because to me, it’s the most powerful. A lot of people can’t fathom why someone would want to go vegan. Personally, I think the first step to understanding this is knowing that veganism is more than just a fad diet; it’s a belief system or lifestyle. It’s belief that transcends the food itself.

Some people break veganism down into three “types” of vegans:

  1. Vegan for health reasons/healthy living

  2. Vegan for the animals (animal rights)

  3. Vegan for the environment

Some vegans strongly identify with one of these subjects, while others believe more than one. Personally, I went vegan for my health first and the more I learned about other topics, the more I felt I was vegan for more reasons than one.

If you’re thinking of going vegan, don’t feel like you need to place yourself into one of these “boxes.” What you eat is a personal choice and you should do what you feel most comfortable with. However, I do find that people who initially want to go vegan or vegetarian and have a hard time sticking with it because they have a lack of belief behind why they’re doing it. While “looking good in a swimsuit for summer” is a motivation for losing weight, veganism can be much more than a diet. 

Below I’ve listed documentaries, websites, apps, podcasts, and more resources to help you learn more about veganism, vegan products, and navigating food choices. If you’re struggling to keep animal products off your plate, these may be a great help to inspire you or teach you more!



  • What the Health––This is the documentary that actually made me go vegan!

  • Forks Over Knives––They also have a great website with plenty of yummy plant-based recipes and meal plans.

  • The Game Changers––This one was just released in 2019 and includes testimonies from plant-based professional athletes.

  • Eating You Alive

  • Vegucated


  • Cowspiracy

  • Eating Animals––Based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer.


  • Dominion

  • Earthlings––free on YouTube

  • Okja––On Netflix. Not a documentary, but shows animal cruelty in a less graphic light due to its animation. Fantastic movie!



  •––Vegan Action actually is responsible for the “Certified Vegan” logo you find on products in the store. They’re also based in Richmond!

  • The Vegan Society––Plenty of articles on every topic of veganism you can think of! They also have a helpful app called VeGuide.

  • Happy Cow––This website shows you all vegan, vegetarian, and restaurants with veg-options in your area! There's an app too, but only for purchase.


  • Cronometer––I track my calories, but even if you're not worried about losing weight, tracking your food when you first go vegan is very important! When I first went vegan, I was eating very little calories (think: cucumbers for lunch) because I wasn't entirely sure what I could eat. Tracking just makes it easier to see just how much protein, food, and even vitamins (yes––this tracks your B12! Just add your multivitamin.) you're actually eating to make sure you're getting the right nutrients early on.

  • Is It Vegan?––I used this app for a while and it works well for when you’re in the grocery store and can’t spend time looking up every ingredient. Just scan the barcode!



  • Nutrition Facts with Dr. Michael Greger––I’ve waxed poetic about Dr. Greger in my October favorites roundup. He’s just the best!

  • Live Planted––Alyssa has a variety of guests on the podcast and talks not just about practical veganism, but about other hot topics like zero waste and being mindful.

  • The Vegan Gym Podcast––Trying to lose weight through veganism? Balancing macros can be difficult, but this podcast on Spotify really helps! Listening to it also counts as extra motivation, too :)

  • No Meat Athlete


  • Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer

  • How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger

  • Animal Liberation by Peter Singer

  • The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell


  • Mic the Vegan––Mike is a science nerd and does an amazing job of answering everyone's questions about veganism with nothing! He is constantly researching studies related to veganism and his videos are quick, factual, and very funny!

  • emily ewing (previously A Chill Vegan)––Emily is just too funny and her edits are gold. Also extremely relatable!

  • High Carb Hannah

  • From My Bowl

  • The Vegan Zombie

So that’s that, folks! All of these resources are a great place to start; some are more serious (Earthlings), while some are just plain fun (shoutout to my favorite YouTubers)! Let me know if any of these resonate with you in the comments!