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Stuffed Acorn Squash

Acorn squash has to be my favorite winter squash! It’s just sweet enough to feel like a treat, but also pairs really well with savory flavors. This vegan stuffed acorn squash feels like a warm hug, especially now that the weather is getting colder. Use up your winter squash and cozy up on the couch to enjoy dinner.

Stuffed Acorn Squash

2 acorn squash

3 cups textured vegetable protein, TVP (Read more about how I make Vegan Ground Beef here!)

½ teaspoon salt

2 cups vegetable broth

½ teaspoon fennel

½ teaspoon thyme

½  teaspoon poultry seasoning (+ ¼ teaspoon for the rice)

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

1 cup brown rice

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

1 tablespoon tamari (or soy sauce)

vegan or dairy free shredded cheese

  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

  2. Add the TVP, salt, vegetable broth, fennel, thyme, poultry seasoning, garlic powder, and onion powder to a large bowl. Let the TVP rehydrate while cooking the other ingredients.

  3. Cut the acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Place them cut side down on a baking sheet or in a glass casserole dish. Place in the oven for 30 minutes. (TIP: In order to get perfectly steamed squash, make sure the cut sides are perfectly flush with the baking sheet or dish. This way, the squash doesn’t dry out and steams much more evenly.)

  4. While the squash is cooking, prepare the rice. Boil the rice on the stove in water for 30 minutes, or until rice is tender and soft). Add the extra ¼ teaspoon of poultry seasoning to the rice water to add flavor.

  5. After your rice is done, drain any water left. Add in the TVP mixture (this should have soaked up all the water entirely), nutritional yeast, and tamari. Mix well.

  6. Remove the squash from the oven and flip them over. Fill each one with the TVP filling. Place back into the oven for 10 minutes.

  7. After 10 minutes, remove the squash again and add a generous amount of vegan cheese. Turn off the oven and place the squash back inside to help the cheese melt for another 5 minutes. Remove when melted.

  8. Enjoy!