About Me

Hi! I’m Victoria Drake, the voice and creator behind Vidrology. I started this blog to share my passion for health & wellness. I’m 24 and I live in the charming city of Richmond, VA.

I care deeply about animals, the environment, and my own health and wellbeing. I love finding ways to better myself and the world around me, whether that means bringing my reusable bags into the grocery store, sitting down with my tarot cards for some good ol’ personal reflection, or sharing vegan recipes with people who are interested in eating less meat. In a world where negative news, your social media status, and living a busy, stressful life have become the norm, I hope vidrology is a place you can come to find helpful advice, positive content, and a general breath of fresh air.

In addition to writing for this awesome blog, other things I enjoy include: listening to an insane amount of self-help and nutrition podcasts, visiting the public library on the weekends, finding the best vegan restaurants near me (ideally the best slice of vegan pizza and/or Vietnamese food), browsing thrift stores on a Saturday afternoon, lifting weights or doing deep-stretch yoga, slinging some tarot cards, trying not to over-water the one succulent I own, and smiling at every dog I see on the street. (WHEW—let’s just say I have a lot of hobbies!)

In addition to blog updates, check out my Instagram and Facebook for extra inspiration.

And while you’re at it, sign up for my Life Spark Newsletter! You’ll receive: a bi-monthly overview of what’s going on in my neck of the woods; the latest blog content; books, TV shows, podcasts, and music that I’m loving lately; and exclusive recipes!

Thanks for visiting and remember to live life brightly.