All tagged lifestyle

Lessons on Fear

I think people tend to forget the ways that fear or anxiety can prevent us from doing not only the essentially life-changing things, but seemingly simple things, too. But, once you start to really take a look at your life, you begin to realize that… the simple things and the big things are all one thing. This one thing is your life. Your one and only life you’re ever going to have.

A Month of Social Distancing

Since the world officially turned upside down a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been trying to find ways to spend my time while social distancing. I’m a homebody/introvert by nature, so I always have lists and plans of things I want to do, learn, or practice. I figured, just for fun, I would give you all a glimpse into what I’ve been doing to fill my time.

Lessons on Disconnecting

What happens when you disconnect? Just for a day? Just for a couple hours? Why are we giving other people our time when we could actually take what we’re learning from them or other sources and actually try it in our everyday life?

My Weekend Reset

I don’t know about you but I love using my weekends as a time to start fresh. Each week is a new chance to reach your goals and the weekend is great for setting yourself up to get going on them! I like to call it my “weekend reset.” I wanted to run through some of the steps I take on the weekends to start my week off on the right foot.