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How to Develop a Spiritual Practice: Tools, Rituals, and More

In the realm of wellness, there lives the body, the mind, and quite possibly my favorite–the spirit. It’s the part of the trifecta that I also think people tend to push to the wayside. You can learn all the knowledge you need and build the body you want, but at the end of the day, what do you need to heal from? What scares you the most? What is that nagging feeling that you’re missing something else in your life? And, if you don’t know what that missing thing is, how can you find out?

Learning how to start your spiritual journey can be very daunting at first. With so many tools at your disposal like tarot cards or candle work, it might be hard to decide what’s right for you. Read on to find out how to develop your spiritual practice, along with some tools and rituals that may work for you.

Is being spiritual the same as being religious?

Before we talk about a spiritual practice, we first have to cover the big question. What exactly is spirituality? A lot of people have a hard time figuring out the difference between what it means to be spiritual and what it means to be religious. To put it simply:

Religion is often an organized set of beliefs and practices. It is usually centered around a community or is group-related.

Spirituality is an individual practice that can vary greatly from person to person. It usually focuses on the self and is very introspective in nature.

What does it mean to be spiritual?

Being spiritual is a process of reconnecting to yourself. (Some people also choose to say “coming home to yourself.”) It’s unlearning, stripping away anything that doesn’t serve you, and honoring your soul. This may mean incorporating spiritual practices or rituals you already do that are based in other religions* or even creating new ones.

*Note: When determining your own practice, please be sensitive to the fact that many of these practices originate in certain cultures or even other religions. Before adding something to your personal practice, be sure to learn about the history and culture behind it.

How do I find my spiritual practice?

Your spiritual practice is individual to you. While you can follow other individuals’ practices (to a degree—see note above), only you truly know what it is that you need. As you move along your spiritual journey, take note of what resonates with you and keep doing more of that. When something resonates with you, it means you understand, feel in common with or can sense it without explanation or problems. It is an immediate and unquestioned feeling that requires no further explanation.

How to Develop a Spiritual Practice

When exploring your spirituality, there are a lot of different tools–both tangible and not–you can incorporate into your practice. In addition, since it’s a very self-guided process, you can determine how often, when, or how intently you choose to perform certain practices.

Below are some of the materials and rituals I use in my own spiritual practice. I feel they help me connect with my own energy. They make me happy, energized, reduce my stress, and support my overall health. Without these things, I wouldn’t truly feel like myself.

As stated above, your practice will eventually become your own and you will find what is right for you. These are only meant as examples. However, if you try one out and it works for you–keep at it.

7 Spiritual Tools and Rituals You Can Use in Your Practice

Still don’t know where to begin? Here are a few great tools and rituals to add or consider for your own practice.

Daily meditation

Daily or semi-daily meditation is something that I have taken up during the chaotic mess that is the year 2020. After reading about the immense psychological benefits that transform into physical benefits (think lowered blood pressure, less anxiety, and more), I finally said “let’s do it.” I try to get in at least 5 minutes every day, mostly in the mornings. On days I have more time I try for 20 minutes. This is a great tool to reconnect with yourself, your body, and shut off your brain for even a few moments.

Yoga or free movement

I don’t necessarily do this every day, but when I feel the urge to move my body (besides “normal” exercise) I do! Movement can transform stagnant energy inside you. Dancing alone in your room is one of the most freeing things you’ll ever feel. (Dancing alone outside is another feeling––that may take courage for another day!) However, if you’re feeling uncomfortable dancing even alone in the safety of your room, you may want to ask yourself why this is something that is so hard for you. Movement is something that can truly push our spiritual practice to the next level, combining body and spirit. So, turn on some tunes and let the spirit move you!

Healing crystals

Crystals are thought to promote the flow of good energy and protect against the bad. There are crystals for many types of physical and emotional issues and some even correlate to the chakras within the body. (Chakra work is another aspect I sometimes incorporate into my practice!) I keep crystals in my pocket, in my car, on my nightstand, at work… really anywhere I need the energetic support. I also meditate with my crystals, either in my hands or on my body. I feel that they help me connect with the earth and my inner spirit.

Tarot and Oracle Cards

I’ve been practicing tarot for about 6 years now. The thing I love most about the tarot is that no matter the answer is you are seeking, the tarot will always show you what you need to know. It may not make sense at first, but it always comes full circle. A lot of people think tarot is a divination tool but it actually acts as more of a mirror, reflecting the things we really need to know or simply don’t want to face. I will often do card readings during certain moon phases (full & new moon), when I’m facing a difficult decision or emotional time, or during life changes.

Want a tarot reading? I offer personal readings!

Intention setting & affirmations

This is similar to goal setting, however, intention setting is more about the big picture rather than material or specific things. An intention or daily affirmation could be “I am happy” or “I will fill my body with nourishing foods today.” I will often write these intentions in a notebook and meditate on them. If I’m doing a full moon or new moon ritual, I will make a list of intentions and place them beneath a candle. I light the candle, thinking of my intention, and let the candle burn down. There are lots of ways to add intention work to your day! Think of your intention and imagine the water washing over you as your intention. Mindfully eat your food, imagining it filling you with your intention. The list goes on...

Connecting to nature

Nature is its own spiritual being that has many natural healing properties. Lucky for us, we come straight from nature! Walking in nature, being near water… all of these things fill my spiritual cup. Even with a simple walk in my neighborhood, I notice small things like birds or new flowers I’ve never seen before.

Sound frequencies and singing

Healing frequencies are an interesting topic that not many know about. Music can have an impact on brain waves, your heart rate, muscle tension, and more. Healing frequencies are sound set at a certain frequency that have an affect on different parts of your body and emotions. According to the Nature Healing Society, the six main solfeggio frequencies are:

  1. 396 Hz for liberating one from fear and guilt

  2. 417 Hz frequencies for facilitating change and undoing situations

  3. 528 Hz for miracles and transformations like DNA repair

  4. 639 Hz frequencies for relationships and reconnecting

  5. 741 Hz solfeggio frequencies for getting solutions and expressing themselves

  6. 852 Hz frequencies for returning one to a spiritual order

Singing is also a great way to release energy or attract positive energy. If you can’t remember the last time you sang loudly in your car, I highly suggest you try it! Music can heal most anything.

I hope you enjoyed this post and that there were some helpful tips to guide you along your own spiritual journey. Try anything? Let me know over on Instagram!

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Don’t know where to start on your journey?

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