Vegan Summer Rolls with Peanut Sauce
These vegan summer rolls are what get me through those days when it’s so hot you barely have an appetite. They’re fresh, light, and super delicious! You can get even more creative with the recipe and fill them with other things like seitan, different kinds of noodles, Thai or regular basil, or even make them with fruit. If you don’t have powdered peanut butter for the peanut sauce, just use two tablespoons of regular crunchy or creamy peanut butter.
Vegan Summer Rolls with Peanut Sauce
round rice paper sheets (You can find these at your local Asian market or Amazon.)
tofu (baked, fried, or raw)
spring mix
rice noodles (optional)
For the peanut sauce:
2 tablespoons powdered peanut butter
1 tablespoon soy sauce
½ teaspoon sesame oil
Prep all your ingredients before making the wraps. Julienne (cut into thin strips) the cucumber, carrots, and tofu. If you’re adding rice noodles, cook those according to the package.
For wrapping, I use the 3 plate method: one plate for wetting the rice paper, one for wrapping, and one for resting your finished rolls on.
3. On plate 1, add about a centimeter or two of warm water to the plate. Take your rice paper sheet and place in the water, spinning around until the water covers the sheet. Allow the rice paper to become soft, but not too soft that it becomes mushy. (Remember: a little on the stiffer side is better than too mushy, since it will continue to soften while you wrap it.)
4. Transfer the softened rice paper to plate 2. From this point, you’ll treat the paper similar to a burrito: fill it with the cucumber, carrots, tofu, and spring mix; fold the side closest to you over; the two ends inward; and roll it up!
5. Place your finished roll on plate 3 while you make the remaining rolls.
6. For the peanut sauce, combine all ingredients. You can also add Sriracha or hoisin sauce for dipping, too!
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